Vancouver, since 1937
Through semi-annual shows, special cutting sales and monthly meetings, members of the Point Grey Chrysanthemum Association are dedicated to keeping mums blooming!
Cedar Room at VanDusen Gardens
5251 Oak Street, Vancouver (Map)
Second Thursday, each month, 7:30pm
(No meetings in April, June, July and December)
Members come throughout the lower mainland to hear experienced growers speak on various aspects of producing beautiful chrysanthemums, share information and explore new techniques for growing better mums.
As many of us move to condos and smaller homes, the chrysanthemum presents itself as a lovely plant suitable for container growing on patios and decks. Award-winning growers will attest to the fact that the finest show
quality mums grow happily in ten-inch containers.
Hardy indeed! The chrysanthemum is not only rich in beauty, variety and benefit. It's also rich in history. Tracing its lineage for thousands of years, the name stems from two Greek words "krus anthemon" (gold flower),
the Chinese memorialized it in early writings and pottery and Japan chose it as official crest for its emperor (8th century AD) and eventually instituted a national holiday in its honour.
The regal chrysanthemum, known in Asia as the queen of flowers, provides a visual treat for several weeks, and is also wonderful for flower arranging, often lasting two weeks after cutting.
©2008 - 2021
Point Grey Chrysanthemum Association
All Rights Reserved